Monday, March 29, 2010

Welcome Spring!

It was a beautiful day today! We went and did a little shopping at legends with my mom! Then when bryan got home we went to the park and played and went walking! I love being together... but Ammon got his first little skinned knee, he was brave about it I think I was more sad than he was but here it is.... okay I guess it doesnt look that bad on here.. it was worse in real life! lol

We've been shopping for bikes and we're just gonna go with pretty much the cheapest we can find but thats okay i'm just excited for some bike rides! We even got Ammon a little seat to go on the back which make me a little nervous but I know he'll love it and the reviews were pretty good... I hope!
We had a photo shop with our little big man this weekend and he just looked so cute! (he's been having some tantrums that are not so cute though...hopefully those wont last too long!)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Weekends are the BEST!

So we had a wonderful weekend!

Friday night our dear friends Alaina and Roland and Milo and Oliver came to visit us at our house! They drove all the way down from her mom's house (about 45 min away) AND they brought dinner and desert! I felt like such a shmuck! But we had so much fun and I love seeing them so thanks for coming! If only we had had more time and they werent moving in June...:(we'll add North Carolina on our list of places to visit!)

THEN on Saturday we went to a baptism which was so sweet, I love baptisms! Afterwards there was a huge BBQ at our friends, the Matinas house. And oh my goodness they are such good cooks! They food was amazing! It was good to see friends over there! and Ammon had a blast playing in the mud and seeing the chickens! lol. Then I got to go on a date with my love and it's been so long so it was really so much fun to just be the two of us again for a few hours! We love our baby but sometimes we need to feel young and carefree again! lol.

I finally found out what is going on and why i keep getting these horrible headaches... its muscle tension headaches.... which is a relief to me cause I was getting a little worried! So pretty much I need to find something to release my stress! Which means more date nights! yay! heres some fun pictures from our weekend! Plus my baby drinking his yummy green smoothie!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Right now....

Right now I'm just sitting here remembering how I got nicely chastised by my sister-in-law to update my blog more often! lol so I am.

Right now... Ammon is obessed with watching movies, his favorite are Kung fu Panda, Brother Bear and Tarzan.... He begs me to watch movies pretty much all day I do give in sometimes but I dont want to rot his brain!

Right now... Ammon is also obessed with shoes or my socks or anything "cool" he can wear on his little feet. I'm afraid he's already starting a shoe obsession (passed down from his dad AND his uncle Tyson!)

Grandma Lucille came to visit a couple weeks ago! We loved seeing her and Ammon had so much fun with his GG!

Another right now.... Can I just say how lucky I am to have the best husband ever! I love him so much. I've been so lame lately well actually sick so pretty much everything has fallen to him! Grocery shopping, making dinners, taking care of Ammon and ME! on top of his school and work! Hopefully I can start feeling better soon and take back my responsibilties but for now I just feel grateful I have him by my side! (and no I'm not pregnant so don't even think it!)