Tuesday, April 28, 2009

First post!!

Thanks Lexi for introducing me to the blogging world! we're in san antonio but we're leaving tomorrow... thank goodness!! ammons been sleeping horribly! We had lots of fun though... went to the riverwalk and spent the weekend with torry and lexi...so fun. The point for coming out here was for bryan's medical court case... which we didnt even go to but oh well it was still a fun trip that the military paid for! lol. So we're sticking with the 20% disibility and we'll hopefully be leaving washington for kansas around the end of may! Crazy changes happening but hopefully everything will work out! This blogging thing seems to be fun! lol. I feel so in with the cool people now! HAHA........... oh and by the way how do I add/look for people on this thing?

1 comment:

  1. I still don't know how to "look" for people...... but when you go into "layout"..... you can add people's blog addresses to your "blog list"....
    you already have the "blog list" added on your right hand side, so just click on edit and you can add to it. :)
